07541 397 313 spin360@mail.com
Meet SPIN360°
25+ Years of experience
From artisan to industrial, From bespoke one off commissions to multiple batch orders.
SPIN360° is an independent bespoke metal spinning business created by Craig Palmer in 2017.
Craig has been a precision metal spinner for over 25 years, spinning for a wide range of industries including nucular and aerospace.
Working to extremly tight tolerances in a variation of standard and exotic metals has instilled a practice of precision and attention to detail which Craig applies to everything he makes.
SPIN360° has the skill and knowledge to offer not only its own range of lighting and decorative interior/exterior designs but the ability to make components for a wide range of applications and industries.
From a bespoke one off commission to multiple batch orders, SPIN360° always rises to a challenge and thrives on working alongside the customer to achieve their vision.